Leading for Equity and Inclusion - A Five-Part Series
Date: March 21, 28, April 4, 11, and 18 (Thursdays)
Time: 9am - 12pm PST
Leading for Equity and Inclusion is designed for nonprofit leaders committed to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in their organizations. We encourage organizations to consider sending two people, when possible, to build stronger alignment within your nonprofit towards your equity and inclusion efforts.
This series will support organizational leaders and teams to:
- Build capacity & skill for authentic inclusion within your nonprofit;
- Identify & dismantle harmful narratives & biased practices rooted in our history;
- Adopt personal leadership skills & style that make space for real belonging & inclusion;
- Develop a plan of action focused on your organization.
Session 1: Setting the context
Date: Thursday, March 21- Build understanding of the specific opportunities and challenges for equity and inclusion initiatives in the nonprofit sector
- Explore identity in the workplace
- Explore leadership practice and challenges for driving equity and inclusion work
- Share definitions and frameworks to align understanding of equity and inclusion
Session 2: Unpacking dominant narratives
Date: Thursday, March 28- Understand dominant narratives and unconscious bias
- Build capacity through tools for action
Session 3: Models of practice
Date: Thursday, April 4
Learn from other individuals how they navigated the equity and inclusion journey with their organizations. Explore some best practices and identify challenges and opportunities to expect.
Session 4: Assessment tools for change management
Date: Thursday, April 11
Changing policies and procedures is a collective enterprise that requires information and involvement from key stakeholders. This session will introduce some options to help guide the assessment process and how to make sense of data for planning and evaluation.
- Unpacking best practices
- Explore tools for action
- Introduction of DEI assessments and planning tools
Session 5: Developing a roadmap for actionDate: Thursday, April 18
Participants will start planning how to address equity and inclusion in their workplace with input from colleagues and facilitators.
- Workshop and share action steps (break-outs)
This program is designed as a cohort learning model. Attendees are expected to participate in all five sessions.
- 10% discount for groups of 3 of more registering from the same organization, OR
- 10% discount for organizations with budget size < $750K, OR
- 20% early bird discount (Early Bird Deadline: Feb 4; Early Bird discounted rate automatically applied at checkout)
BIPOC Scholarship:
BIPOC scholarship is available for BIPOC participants of nonprofit organizations. Priorities are given to CVNL members. Scholarship recipients do not have to be from a CVNL member organization. Please complete the BIPOC Scholarship Request Form.
Please email Ling Tang at ltang@cvnl.org for a discount code on groups or small budget organizations BEFORE you register for the program.
NOTE: In order for participants to earn certificates and eBadges for this program, they must attend at least 80% of the sessions. Participant may only miss one session and still earn the certificate and eBadge.
Cancellation policy: If plans change and you are no longer able to attend, we will transfer your enrollment and payment to the next program cycle. Funds must be applied and used within a 6 (six) month period. We do not offer refunds.