By posting our volunteer needs on CVNL’s Bay Area Volunteers Portal we have been able to find 20 generous donors and 2 corporate volunteer groups the past two holiday seasons. These philanthropic community members help to provide new clothes, toys, gift-cards and gifts to 186 low-income families during the holiday season. The volunteers make an immeasurable difference in our gift organization and delivery efforts. Our connections made through the Portal have in turn brought smiles, joyful tears, and an overwhelming sense of hope to our parents and guardians. Thank you, CVNL!

By posting our volunteer needs on CVNL’s Bay Area Volunteers Portal we have been able to find 20 generous donors and 2 corporate volunteer groups the past two holiday seasons. These philanthropic community members help to provide new clothes, toys, gift-cards and gifts to 186 low-income families during the holiday season. The volunteers make an immeasurable difference in our gift organization and delivery efforts. Our connections made through the Portal have in turn brought smiles, joyful tears, and an overwhelming sense of hope to our parents and guardians. Thank you, CVNL!