What it is
iCAT is an assessment tool that collects input on the 6 core capacities and gives you data that deepens your understanding of where you’re excelling and where you need additional focus and improvement. iCAT provides you with data about your organization as well as a process for reflection and discussion where people come together to identify priorities for action. iCAT provides a point-in-time snapshot of organizational health with a focus on increasing impact and sustainability. Prioritized recommendations guide you to make wise decisions and investments that build organizational capacity.
Who it's for
Nonprofit organizations, board/staff leadership teams.
What is costs
Starting at $1700 depending on geography. CVNL member organizations receive a $100 discount. Grant-funded discounts are available on a first-come, first-served basis to organizations serving Marin County.
Let's do this!
Contact Tom Hayashi to set up your training today: thayashi@cvnl.org or (415) 448-0336
How it works
Each nonprofit is paired with a CVNL consultant to create a meaningful assessment process and set up with access to the iCAT online assessment tool. Nonprofits choose who they'd like to have participate and set their own timeframes for completion of the online tool. Invited participants spend 20-30 minutes completing the iCAT online. The CVNL consultant presents key findings and recommendations to board and/or staff and facilitates discussion of next steps to utilize results and build organizational capacity. Typical iCAT process takes between 4 to 6 weeks from start to finish.
What you get
1. Online iCAT assessment tool and dashboard. 2. Individualized consultation to design meaningful process and facilitate discussion of results 3. Assessment report of key findings and stage of organizational development. 4. Prioritized recommendations for capacity building 5. Consultant-facilitated results meeting with your board and/or staff