
We invite you to explore new and legacy stories about CVNL programs, events, and activities as well as what CVNL and our partners are doing to advance the nonprofit sector. 

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ELP & YWCA are partnering! ...

Great leadership starts with just practices and the ability to work across lines of difference to transform and improve life for all of us. Many nonprofit organizations recognize the value of diversity, but struggle to maintain highly effective multicultural teams. That’s because diversity alone isn’t enough. In our efforts to create a well-rounded and relevant […]

Last updated 5 years ago

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Young Hearts Beat Strong in our Communities ...

Youth Profile – Christopher Olivier Resilience in the face of adversity is a virtue that has become invaluable given the turbulent climate of our everyday lives. Life-threatening illnesses. Mental health challenges. Natural disasters and many other countless forms and degrees of personal hardship. I am sure many of you can relate to the compassion fatigue […]

Last updated 5 years ago

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What Effective Board Members Do ...

Behaviors and personal characteristics that make leaders stand out Individuals bring a lot to their role as nonprofit board members. Personal commitments of time and financial resources. Professional expertise and skill. Conections in the community. And yet, these important things in and of themselves are limited in value to the nonprofit organization if board members […]

Last updated 5 years ago

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Be a part of MLK Day of Service on January 21, 2019 ...

MLK Day of Service is the only federal holiday observed as a national day of service – “a day on, not a day off.” It is a way to transform Dr. King’s life and teachings into community action to help address critical social problems. This year, CVNL is celebrating MLK Day of Service in Napa as part of […]

Last updated 5 years ago

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Tips to Thank Your Donors Today & Beyond ...

Giving Tuesday has come and gone and now we are all in the home stretch to meet our year end giving goals. I want to take a step back and talk for a bit about thanking donors. Over the past month, like many of us, I have received numerous solicitations to give. I chose four […]

Last updated 6 years ago

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Fair Pay for Northern California Nonprofits: The 2019 Compensation and Benefits Survey ...

Attract and Retain the “Best and the Brightest” Employees in 2019 and Beyond Participate in Fair Pay for Northern California Nonprofits: The 2019 Compensation & Benefits Survey, the Best Survey of Its Kind! 610 nonprofit organizations, reporting on over 32,000 jobs, participated in the 2018 survey, making it the largest and most robust in the […]

Last updated 6 years ago

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New Employment Laws for California Employers in 2019 ...

By MARY L. TOPLIFF, ESQ. Published on NOVEMBER 3, 2018 The #MeToo movement has had a profound societal impact, reaching a wide variety of industries and employers. In October 2017, more than 140 women who worked in and around the California Legislature published a letter detailing a culture of sexual harassment at the California Capitol. […]

Last updated 6 years ago

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An Unconventional Holiday Giving Guide from CalNonprofits ...

Original article from CalNonprofits You’ve seen the holiday donation guides reminding people to avoid “bad” charities, which can include anything from scams to organizations spending “too much” on overhead. This year we’re sharing CalNonprofits Unconventional Giving Guide with a fresh approach on how to give meaningful gifts. We also include tips on how people can […]

Last updated 6 years ago

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Volunteer Profile – Rondell Gibson ...

Last updated 6 years ago

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Volunteer Profile – Kala Shah ...

Last updated 6 years ago