9/25/15, Valley Fire Update, Resources and Donations Overview
CVNL Valley Fire Update… September 25, 2015
The Valley Fire has caused widespread devastation. All of us at CVNL would like to express our sincerest appreciation for everyone who has supported the evacuees and victims of the Valley Fire. The fire began on September 12, 2015, has burned 76,067 acres, and is now 85% contained. 1910 structures have been destroyed.
CVNL’s Emergency Volunteer Center (EVC) was activated on September 16th to help oversee volunteers and donated items. We’ve had dedicated staff on site every day. As of today, services are shifting to Lake County. The temporary Calistoga shelter at the Napa County Fairgrounds is now closed. Our team and volunteers are coordinating the pick up of generously donated items for transfer to relief efforts in Lake County. The first trucks left Wednesday. We’ll be on site for several more days to make the transition go as smoothly as possible.
Anyone wishing to drop off donated items should call 707-987-1276 to be directed to the appropriate place in Lake County.
Over the course of this week, our EVC team has been tirelessly working alongside amazingly dedicated volunteers who have been providing support since the shelter opened. You are all an inspiration. We’ve also worked diligently to keep the latest information available for quick access on cvnl.org and our Facebook page.
From all of us at CVNL — our hearts go out to the people who have suffered loss, those who are lending a hand, are continuing to help on the ground, and to everyone impacted by this disaster.
In community,
– CVNL Staff and Board
Below is an overview of resources and links where you can access information about the Valley Fire and relief efforts.
Related stories and press releases posted on cvnl.org
- 9/21/15, Press Release, Calistoga temporary shelter for Valley Fire evacuees scheduled to close Thursday, 9/24/15
- 9/21/15, Lake County Transportation and Emergency Shelter Resources
- 9/20/15, Valley Fire, Nonprofits Supporting Relief Efforts, Links for Financial Donations
- 9/19/15, Press Release, CVNL Emergency Volunteer Center Takes Lead to Coordinate Volunteers for Valley Fire Evacuees in Calistoga
- 9/18/15, Press Release, Important update from Napa County
- 9/16/15, Press Release, How to Help Lake County Fire Victims
Select media stories:
KTVU Chanel 2
- 9/24/15, Valley Fire evacuation center at Napa Co. fairgrounds closes
- 9/18/15, Some evacuated Lake County residents allowed to return home
Napa Valley Register
- 9/23/15, President Obama declares major disaster in California fire
- 9/21/15, Valley Fire aid and volunteering extends to animals, too
Websites and social media to monitor (from an on site poster at the shelter site)
- Napa County, http://www.countyofnapa.org/
- County of Lake, California, http://www.co.lake.ca.us/
- County of Lake, California, Media Releases: http://www.co.lake.ca.us/Government/media.htm
- Napa County Fair, http://www.napacountyfair.org/valleyfire
- Valley Fire Information, https://www.facebook.com/groups/619127774857267/
- Calistoga Boosters, https://www.facebook.com/CalistogaBoosters
- Fire Relief for Lake County, https://www.facebook.com/firereliefforlakecounty
- Napa Valley Equine, https://www.facebook.com/NapaValleyEquine
Additional resources provided by CVNL Emergency Volunteer Center (EVC) staff on site, and other volunteer leaders who have partnered to support victims and evacuees.
Moose Lodge (in need of volunteers for sorting donations, food service assistance, security, and help moving food to refrigerator units): 15900 E Highway 20, Clearlake Oaks, CA 95423.
One of the more comprehensive lost animal sites we’ve found is Valley Fire Lost & Found Animals. Here is link to their home page: http://www.valleyfireanimals.com/
The hash tag for posting about lost or found animals via social media is: #valleyfirepets
The general hash tag for information on social media is: #ValleyFire
Financial donations
There are many ways you can support Valley Fire relief efforts. One of them is donating to the CVNL EVC. See our news story on 9/20/15 for a list of organizations where you can make financial donations.# # #